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Circle of Care is committed to protecting and promoting the health well-being and safety of employees, including the psychological well-being (mental health) of our employees.  We know that our PSWs and Homemakers who are working on the front-line can face unique challenges and may experience more unique mental health challenges such as burnout, compassion fatigue , traumatic stress and moral injury and that may may have continued to face other stressors in their lives.

Mental Health (or Psychological Health) – is considered a state of well-being in which the individual can recognize their own abilities, can cope with the normal stressors of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to their community.

Mental health can effect everyone, regardless of social, occupational or economic status. 20% of Canadians will experience a mental health challenge in their lifetime. By understanding and talking about mental health – we can create a safe and healthy work environment. As employees on the front line who take care of clients every day, it is important that you take care of yourselves so that you can better serve your families, clients and your community.

Beyond Silence e-Mental Health Support: 

Circle of Care has partnered with McMaster University to provide the Beyond Silence e-mental health program. Through this program, you are able to access Peer Support, where you can book a virtual appointment and speak to a Peer Support Provider. The Beyond Silence app has been downloaded to our Circle of Care mobile phone, and the first time you open the app, you need to insert the following access code:


Upcoming Mental Health Webinars:

Circle of Care has partnered with the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) to provide ongoing education sessions to our employees focused on a variety of mental health topics. We have 2 upcoming sessions that you are welcome and encouraged to attend:

Positive Psychology at Work

Wednesday, April 3 from 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Zoom details:
Meeting ID: 817 6395 0154
Passcode: 394608

Challenging Stigma in the Workplace

Wednesday, May 15 from 12:00pm – 2:00pm
Zoom details:
Meeting ID: 897 9417 7253
Passcode: 933669

Procedures and Policies: 

We also have internal procedures and policies in place that seek to increase awareness and educate our employees on how employees, Supervisors/Mangers and the Employer are all responsible for employee well-being. We encourage you to review these documents:

Safe Operating Procedure – Psychological Hazards

Psychological Health & Safety Policy