Planning Travel
Whether travelling by car or public transit, workers are responsible for planning ahead. Here are some general safety tips:
- Get to know the area, particular the safe area in the district
- Plan the route and method of travel well in advance, if possible.
- Keep pertinent telephone numbers handy (destination, taxi service, reliable tow truck company, supervisor, office etc.)
- Wear comfortable, conservative clothing and shows with non-skid soles. Do not wear expensive jewelry or show large amounts of money. Avoid earrings or accessories that could be grasped or pulled by another person.
- Avoid driving in isolated or dangerous areas. Plan the safest route to and from the client’s home, even if it is not the most direct. If travelling through dangerous areas is unavoidable, note nearby police stations, public spaces that are opened.
- Carry your work phone with you at all times and always be aware of your surroundings.
- Avoid wearing headphones that will limit your ability to hear sounds around you.
- Keep your money in an accessible pocket to eliminate searching through a purse/wallet if needed.
- Ensure you log in and out of your visits using your work phone so the office knows you arrived safely to the client’s home.