If you haven’t already done so, we encourage you to open and explore the Beyond Silence mobile app on your Circle of Care mobile phone. The Beyond Silence App is a mental health ‘coach in your pocket’ for front-line health care employees. The app provides information and support for managing mental health at work, including support for your and support to help co-workers.
Employees are also able to access Peer Support through the app, where you can reach out to a trained Peer Support Provider, either within Circle of Care, or externally at another health care organization. We currently have 6 Peer Support Providers enrolled and trained from Circle of Care! You can use the filters to find a good match with a Peer Support Provider and review their biography to learn more about them. You can book either a private phone call or a chat meeting, based on the time that works best for you. All calls are confidential – neither the Peer Support Providers or Circle of Care will have access to your name or contact number. You are able to access these services for free.
To open the app for the first time, you will need the following access code:
To kick off the New Year, Beyond Silence is encouraging employees to complete four of the following features in the app, and send a screenshot to beysilen@mcmaster.ca for the chance to win a prize!
- Do a “wellness check” [On home page, click the + to rate your wellness]
- Read an “article” [In “Explore”, browse articles by topic and then view]
- Rate an article [Three star option]
- Set a goal [Can browse by topic]
- Complete a goal
- Book an appointment with a peer