Thank You for All of Your Hard Work!
Circle of Care’s managers came together to share messages of encouragement and gratitude to all of our employees, especially our PSWs. Thank you for all the hard work that each and every one of you does on a daily basis!

Helping Our PSWs Stay Protected in the Community
Thank you to Shirley Dougherty, Claudio Gasparini, Doug Elliott, Laura Rosemblit, and Marilyn Sylvester who have been tirelessly packing supply bags for our PSWs. This work is a vital part of our responsibility and promise to our PSWs to keep them safe while they work. Thank you!!

Bringing Joy to our Isolated Clients
This past week, we were thrilled to receive hand-written cards from UJA Federation’s Genesis program. These cards will be delivered to clients of ours who are feeling the effects of isolation. We’re sure the cards will brighten their day!

Champions of Care
- “As National Volunteer Week comes to an end, I want to acknowledge all the work that Patricia Flinn does behind the scenes to ensure all our best practices in volunteer management are followed. Patricia’s caring and compassion for both clients and volunteers is demonstrated each and every day of the year. Patricia goes out of her way to ensure we are meeting the needs of clients and that volunteers have a great experience with us. Thank you Patricia!” – Lisa Rae
- “A special thank you goes out to the KMOW team. During COVID-19 they have had to adjust to new ways of working. In the last couple of weeks some regular volunteers have returned to delivering but an additional 50+ new volunteers have been recruited. The KMOW team has been exceptional in working with all the new volunteers, assigning routes, training, answering their questions and being sure to thank them. The way they work with volunteers is truly appreciated! Another thank you also goes out to Jade Nguyen for stepping in to assist with updating the daily volunteer schedule, this is a huge task and greatly appreciated.” – Lisa Rae
- “A special thank you goes out to Dennis Martin and Alicia Jiang, our L&D team. Together they took the Volunteer Orientation Powerpoint that is used for in person orientations and created a video. Now, new volunteers can virtually watch the orientation when appropriate, which has improved our onboarding process.” – Lisa Rae