You MUST WEAR the following items EVERY time you visit a client.

DO NOT wear gloves during your entire visit. Use gloves for tasks that involve bodily fluid, like toileting or bathing. Throw away your gloves as soon as you are done with that task. DO NOT reuse gloves.
NEVER, EVER use the same gloves for more than one client.
DO NOT use hand sanitizer, or soap and water on your gloves.
Clean your hands before and after putting on gloves.
Surgical Mask
DO NOT use a home-made mask.
Wear your mask during your entire visit, and DO NOT touch the front of your mask.
DO NOT wear your mask on your chin AT ANY POINT. If you are between clients and will be re-using your mask, take it off using the loops and put it in a paper bag, being careful not to touch the outside of it. Only use the paper bag ONCE.
DO NOT store used masks with new ones.
Goggles/Face Shield
You must wear either goggles OR a face shield.
Clean your goggles/face shield with an alcohol-based wipe (or soap and water) each time you take them off.
Wear your goggles/face shield during your entire client visit.
Clean Your Hands
Wash your hands as soon as you arrive at your client’s home, and before you leave your client’s home.
Wash your hands often, between each task.
Keeping your hands clean is the best way to protect yourself against COVID and other infections, and the best way to protect your clients too!