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Highlights from this Week

  • Quality Spotlight: Catch of the Month
  • March is Nutrition Month
  • March for Meals
  • Ask Us Anything Q&A

News & Information

Quality Spotlight: Catch of the Month

hand holding a bathroom grab bar

Client Safety is Top Priority

As per our Client Safety Reporting policy, PSWs are responsible for reporting any concerns regarding client care, emergencies, or safety issues that they become aware of while providing service. The safety of our clients is extremely important and our PSWs who have the most contact with clients are often the first to notice safety concerns.

Early in January, a client asked PSW Elena to do other tasks in the home when Elena was expecting to provide a shower. Elena discovered that the client was showering on their own without support or supervision from PSWs. Elena quickly recognized that this did not align with the client’s care plan, and that it creates a significant safety risk for the client. Elena immediately reported her concerns to her CSS. This allowed the CSS to follow up and look for solutions that would ensure the client received the support they needed.

While we want to prioritize our clients’ preferences as often as possible, our workers must act just as Elena did to ensure that we are not in a situation where our clients are at risk of falling.

Lessons Learned:

  • Client safety is a top priority, and in some cases, ensuring safety can lead to difficult conversations with clients.
  • Explaining the risks and presenting other options can help clients understand why we refuse to promote certain activities.
  • Reporting requests for unsafe activities is important. This ensures that the CSS is aware that the client has limited safety awareness and may engage in risky behaviours.

March is Nutrition Month

overhead view of a table laden with fresh foods

Dietitians of Canada celebrates Nutrition month every March, and this year’s theme is ‘Unlock the Potential of Food’. By coming together and sharing recipes focused on eating healthy and eating sustainably, we can unlock the potential of food. Healthy eating is eating a balanced and variety of foods every day that give you nutrients that you need to maintain your health. Eating a healthy diet makes you feel great, have more energy, and improve your health and boosts your mood. What we eat doesn’t just affect our physical health, it can also affect our mental health.

If you are interested in consulting with a registered dietitian, you can contact Ontario Telehealth for a free over-the-phone consult by calling 1-866-797-0000

We also invite you to check out the resources down below.

Healthy Recipe- Creamy Chicken Rotini
Healthy Recipe - Kale Barley Salad
Tips for Eating Healthy and Sustainably

March for Meals

In March we celebrate March for Meals, a month to highlight Meals on Wheels (MOW) programs that help deliver delicious and nutritious meals to older adults. Thanks to all of the hardworking and compassionate staff and volunteers, Circle of Care’s MOW program is one of the largest Meals on Wheels program in Canada.

For many of our clients and volunteers, our MOW program is more than delivering meals. Read all about our Meals on Wheels volunteers’ experiences below

  • “For me, delivering meals for Circle of Care is about connection, particularly connecting to clients as well as giving back to a part of the community I would otherwise not have the opportunity to know. Many of the people we see on our route are isolated and rarely see others. The actual deliveries don’t take much time at all, and I like knowing that by giving my time – especially during this time of high food insecurity – these individuals have healthy kosher meals for the week.” – Judi, Meals on Wheels volunteer
  • “I’ve been delivering Meals on Wheels for over 10 years. I love doing it and especially connecting with the seniors to whom I deliver. The program is well run by two fabulous ladies and their staff. Always greeting us with a smile and always helpful to the drivers. This year is most enjoyable for me, as I deliver with my son – a mother’s dream. If giving back to the community is appealing to you, then this is a very satisfying activity.” – Barb, Meals on Wheels volunteer
  • “I have been on the same route for a while now, and the other day I received an envelope from one of my dear clients that read: ‘Dear volunteer, just a note as a small token of appreciation for bringing my Meals on Wheels weekly in hot and cold weather so that an old lady doesn’t have to go shopping in freezing weather. Stay healthy, thank you.’ This is why I do it, to help people who need assistance. I find it very rewarding to see our clients smile as I deliver in all kinds of weather. It’s just a pleasure.” – David, Meals on Wheels volunteer
  • “It was and continues to be extremely gratifying to volunteer by delivering Meals on Wheels. Especially because many vulnerable seniors had an increased fear of going out of their homes for basic necessities such as food. It feels good to be making a contribution to the community during a very difficult time. The days I volunteer help anchor my week.” – Joe, Meals on Wheels volunteer
  • “Volunteering for Meals on Wheels was something on my calendar that had been there before the pandemic, and that leant a sense of continuity and stability in my life. My clients are so appreciative of the few minutes of conversation we have with one another, and I know that they look forward to my visits with them along with their meals. I built strong bonds with the clients and always look forward to seeing them.” – Sylvia, Meals on Wheels volunteer
  • “I deliver Meals on Wheels because I know that our clients are receiving the good, nutritious food they need to remain in the comfort of their homes. And, I can also take a minute to connect with them and make sure they are doing alright. At the end of the day, delivering Meals on Wheels works both ways; by helping our clients, I also get a great deal of personal gratification.” – David, Meals on Wheels volunteer
  • “As brief as the visits are, it’s clear to see how deeply appreciative most of the Meals on Wheels clients are for the contact and the short discussions I have with them, along with my inquiries asking them how they’re doing. The fact that I am able to give clients a little break from the isolation is deeply satisfying.” – Art, Meals on Wheels volunteer

Ask Us Anything

Why have my medical benefits been cut and I don’t have any sick days?

To maintain your eligibility for your benefits you must maintain your full-time status by reaching the 1,300 hours within the given year.  Please refer to the Collective Agreement – Article 23 Benefits. To be eligible for sick time hours, you need to be full-time status.  To reach full time status, you would have needed to complete 1,300 hours in the given year.  Please refer to Collective Agreement – Article 21.

According to starting Feb 1, 2023 there is a new sick leave with pay, as long as the employee is continuously working 30 days. Can you please tell us more about it? Thanks.

Thank you for your question. Last year, the Government of Canada committed to providing 10 days of paid sick leave for workers in the federally regulated private sector, and this came into effect on February 1 of this year. This benefit unfortunately does not apply to Circle of Care. As a healthcare organization, we are a provincially-regulated organization, and we are regulated by the Government of Ontario. To learn more about what companies qualify as federally regulated private sector companies, visit

We invite you to submit your questions or feedback below. Please note that it may take us longer to provide some answers, so if you’ve asked a question that hasn’t been answered yet, we will get back to you in the coming weeks.

In case you missed it...

March 3, 2025 in Memos, News

Champions of Care Nomination Period Begins

Our Champions of Care Award nomination period is now open! Nominate a fellow employee for an award.
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February 26, 2025 in Memos, News

Safety Spotlight and Weather Alert: Slips, Trips and Falls Prevention

This is an important memo for any PSWs and Homemakers who have not completed the mandatory training for Slips, Trips and Falls Prevention
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Friendly Reminder: Stat Holiday

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Important Notice to All PSWs – Stay Safe and Keep Us Informed

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Safety Spotlight and Weather Alert: Slips, Trips and Falls Prevention

This is an important memo for any PSWs and Homemakers who have not completed the mandatory training for Slips, Trips and Falls Prevention
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