Highlights from this Week
- Workplace Violence & Harassment – Training Reminder
- International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
- Participate in Earth Hour
- Welcome to Our New Staff
- Ramadan Begins on March 22
- Ask Us Anything Q&A
Workplace Violence and Harassment – Training Reminder
Circle of Care works hard to prevent workplace violence and harassment, and to encourage a workplace culture where employees feel safe and their well-being is valued. There are certain known hazards, such as client aggression and working alone, that our employees can deal with in their daily routines.
If you have not already done so, please ensure to complete our mandatory training module, 2022 Annual Policy Attestation (part 4) which focuses on training and policies related to workplace violence. The training module can be accessed through Dayforce, and will be available to you until March 31, 2023.
Our Joint Health and Safety Committee has also reviewed our Safe Operating Procedures for Working Alone and Client Aggression. We encourage you to review these documents down below:
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination – March 21

The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed each year on March 21, which is the day the police in Sharpeville, South Africa killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration against apartheid ‘pass laws’ in 1960. Apartheid refers to a policy or system of segregation or discrimination due to race. The apartheid system in South Africa no longer exists in their laws, and racist laws and practices have ended in many countries. However, too many individuals, communities and societies continue to suffer from racism.
It is important to remember the principle of equality, which states that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and have the potential to contribute constructively to the development and well-being of their societies. In Canada, this date is an opportunity to reflect on the fact that while progress has been made, racialized communities in Canada continue to face racism and discrimination every day. It is also a day to re-commit our efforts to combat all forms of racial discrimination, injustice, and systemic racism to ensure a world where everyone is respected, safe, and has equal access to contribute meaningfully to all aspects of society.
Circle of Care is dedicated to provide a work environment that respects the dignity and worth of all individuals with varying ethnic and cultural backgrounds, and we encourage you to review our Anti-Racism Policy for more information on how we are addressing equity within our workplace and community.
Participate in Earth Hour – March 21

Earth Hour is a worldwide reminder of the importance of our planet and the need to protect it. On 25 March at 8:30 pm, challenge yourself to spend 60 minutes doing something positive for our planet. Whether it’s by picking up trash at a park, cooking dinner with sustainable ingredients, planting a tree, or getting your friends together for an Earth Hour event, there are a number of ways you can make an impact.
Here are 10 simple yet impactful ways you can contribute to making positive change in your daily routine for the planet:
- Eat more sustainably
- Waste less food
- Travel responsibly
- Eliminate plastics
- Save water
- Be energy-efficient
- Protect natural spaces
- Be a conscious consumer
- Spread the word
- Stay informed
Welcome to Circle of Care

We are pleased to welcome the following new PSWs and Homemakers to Circle of Care:
- Cynthia Ulita
- Preyansh Kapadiya
- Paula Lewis
- Maria Garcia
- Chidinma Ononogbu
- Jaspreet Kaur
- Hergen Silvano
- Hermilyne Tamunan
- Sabina Godar
Ramadan begins on March 22

Ramadan is a holy month of worship for Muslims where they study the Quran, pray, and fast. Ramadan occurs during the month in which Muslims believe the Quran began to be revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. It is a joyous celebration for Muslims. Fasting is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. Healthy adults are expected to observe the fast. During Ramadan, the fast helps believers purify their hearts, renew their faith, seek forgiveness, and increase self-discipline. It is also a time to focus on what is most important and positive in a believer’s life.
Each day, from the time of Suhoor (the final meal before sunrise) until Iftar (the meal to break the fast), Muslims abstain from all food and water. Nothing may be consumed during these hours. Believers are also encouraged to abstain from anger and to show compassion. Fasting can be a way to increase awareness of Allah and to be more aware of the plight of those who are poor and suffering. Acts of charity are encouraged.
Ask Us Anything
Why don’t I get paid when I call in sick?
Without knowing the context of your particular situation, we are unable to provide an exact answer. We strongly encourage you to take a look at our sick time FAQ post. https://psw.circleofcare.com/index.php/2023/01/11/employment-status-and-sick-time-frequently-asked-questions/ If you are unable to find the answer there, then you can reach out to a HR team member to look into this by emailing your inquiry to HRDept@circleofcare.com.
I am supposed to be a full time PSW, but for the past year I am not getting hours. It is terrible.
We are sorry to hear about your experience. Without understanding your specific situation, we cannot know why it is exactly that you are not being scheduled for more hours. We strongly encourage you to reach out to your Service Coordinator, as they understand your particular schedule and can explain why you are not getting more hours (and/or can add more hours to your schedule).
I have been paying for healthcare benefits for a year and I haven’t received a benefits card. I called the office and they gave me a number to call but no one answered.
PSW & Homemaker benefits are administered by SEIU Benefits, and Circle of Care staff unfortunately can’t answer questions about any specific situations as we do not run the benefits program, SEIU Benefits does. You need to contact them directly. Their phone number is 416-635-6000, and their email is seiubenefittrust@globalben.com.
I used the washroom in one of my clients’ homes, and they told me after that I couldn’t use it and that it’s not a public washroom. I was so upset, and I told them that I’m there to help them and they’re treating me like trash. I told them they need to treat their worker nicely. I finished my work with them and exceeded my 1 hour still. After that I felt so sad and pitied myself because of how they treated me together with their daughter. I felt verbal abuse and discrimination. I hope you will investigate this client. As a PSW I work so hard and respect all my clients and this is the first time I have encountered a client like this. I am still feeling the pain and disrespect.
Our staff should never feel disrespected or undignified in their work. We clearly communicate to our clients that: “Circle of Care clients and their families (caregivers) are expected to treat all volunteers, office staff, and frontline staff with respect and dignity.”
In situations where you feel that a client or their family is not treating you with respect, or if you feel that they are verbally abusing you, you should reach out to your Client Services Supervisor (CSS) for support. Your CSS will investigate the situation and work with you and the client to resolve the situation.
In general, Circle of Care advises that our staff member uses a washroom outside of the client’s home in a designated staff area or public washroom if there is one available (retirement home, some seniors’ buildings etc.) However, some of our workers are scheduled for longer shifts and in these situations it would be more likely that you may need to use the washroom at your client’s residence. In these cases, you should ask the client/family member for permission to use the washroom.
We invite you to submit your questions or feedback below. Please note that it may take us longer to provide some answers, so if you’ve asked a question that hasn’t been answered yet, we will get back to you in the coming weeks.