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Highlights from this Week

  • Beyond Silence: e-Mental Health Program
  • Slips, Trips and Falls Awareness & Prevention 
  • October is Disability Employment Awareness Month 
  • October is Islamic Heritage Month
  • Civility at Work
  • Health Habits to Help Prevent flu
  • Life’s Journey Made Easier: Discover the Magic of Our Reflective Tool
  • Ask Us Anything

News & Information

Beyond Silence: e-Mental Health Program 

Don’t forget to download the ‘Beyond Silence’ app! This is a free and confidential mental health support program to our PSWs and Homemakers. Through the app, you can access resources to support your mental well-being, and you are able to speak with a trained Peer Support Provider. Please note: our IT department is in the process of downloading the app to your Circle of Care Mobile Phones. In the meantime, you can download and access the app on your personal mobile device.

Scan the QR code with your personal device to download the app:


For more information about the program, please visit:

Slips, Trips and Falls Awareness & Prevention

Watch your step! Slippery surfaces and changing weather can put our PSWs and Homemakers at risk of slips, trips, and falls. We’re tackling these ‘high-risk’ hazards head-on by creating an engaging e-learning module. Get clued in on how to stay safe and minimize these risks as you go about your day in the community.

Mandatory? Absolutely. We want everyone to complete this e-learning by November 1, 2023. Dive into the module available on Dayforce and arm yourself with knowledge. Bonus: 30 minutes of paid training time awaits those who complete it! Stay safe and get rewarded.

Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to access e-learning:

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Reminder! We’re hosting a 30 minute education session through Zoom, focused on slips, trips and falls awareness, and invite you to attend the upcoming session:

Tuesday, October 10th @ 11:00 am
Meeting ID: 458 679 4619
Passcode: 4211

October is Disability Employment Awareness Month

closeup of person using a manual wheelchair

October is all about Disability Employment Awareness Month (DEAM), sparking discussions on including people with disabilities in the workplace. Over the past few years, there have been events all across Canada where certain landmarks have been lit up with either purple or blue lights, to promote disability awareness.

The blue? It stands for trust, dignity, authority, professionalism, intelligence, and loyalty. The kind of traits that make a workplace thrive. Many businesses include this shade as a symbol of their identity.

Now, let’s talk purple! It’s the hue of creativity, harmony, and teamwork—a perfect match for fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment.

Want to show your support for Disability Employment Awareness Month? It’s as easy as snapping a pic of yourself in purple or blue during October. Share those awesome shots with us at Let’s paint October with shades of understanding and unity!

We will also be hosting a Disability Employment Awareness Month webinar on October 12th from 12:00pm – 12:30pm to increase awareness of disabilities.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 458 679 4619
Passcode: 4211

October is Islamic Heritage Month 

hijabi woman holding a smart phone in an office

Every year in October, Islamic Heritage Month is recognized in Canada. This is a time to reflect and learn together about Islamic excellence and the rich, longstanding contributions Muslims have made to literature, math, science, art and history both around the world and right here in Ontario. As we learn, we must also reflect on our shared responsibility to identify, challenge and eradicate Islamophobia and anti-Muslim discrimination and hate. If you or someone you know at Circle of Care is experiencing islamophobia in the workplace, please let us know. CofC has a strong commitment to human rights, equity and inclusion and to identifying and addressing barriers that prevent everyone from feeling valued, participating and excelling in the CofC community.

Civility at Work

Picture this: your workplace is like a big puzzle, and relationships are the pieces that either fit snugly or create a chaotic mess. How you feel about your job often hinges on how these pieces come together.

When respect and kindness are missing, it’s like a storm brewing—emotional exhaustion, burnout, and health issues can rain down on you. Not a pleasant forecast, right?

At Circle of Care, we’ve got a shield against this storm: our anti-bullying policy. It’s a reminder to treat each other with respect and kindness, always.

Here’s your guide to being a workplace ally:
• Use words that uplift and understand.
• Hold your teammates accountable, like a friendly superhero nudge.
• Stand by your colleagues, lending a hand when they need it.
• Be a good communicator—share concerns and solutions with your CSS.

Healthy Habits to Help Prevent the Flu

Staying flu-free? Here’s the playbook! First up, the flu shot—it’s your superhero shield against the flu villain. Imagine it as your protective force field.

Next, dodge those germs! Steer clear of sick folks and be a superhero yourself by staying home if you’re feeling under the weather. Let your body heal and rest—it’s like a mini superhero training session.

During flu season, be a hygiene champ! Wash those hands often, and no touching your face—it’s the flu’s kryptonite. Sneezing or coughing? Catch those germs with a tissue, like a boss!

But wait, there’s more! Keep your lair (or home) squeaky clean, especially if someone’s feeling blah. And fuel up like a champ—healthy eats, tons of fluids, and beauty sleep are your secret weapons.

Remember, with these superhero moves, you’ll be a flu-fighting champion!

Life’s Journey Made Easier: Discover the Magic of Our Reflective Tool

Life is a rollercoaster of changes, big and small. Sometimes, it’s like a surprise twist in a movie—bam! Unexpected life transitions hit, and things can get intense. Think accidents, loss, or big health challenges.

Then, there’s the good stuff! Picture the happy scenes—marriage bells, starting a dream job, or embracing a new city. These are planned, but boy, do they shake things up just as much!

Now, for our secret weapon—the Reflective Tool! It’s like having a map for this rollercoaster. Our employees can hop on, understand, and tackle life’s twists and turns better:

Ask Us Anything

After finish my 1,300 hours, am I eligible to take sick leave this year or do I have to wait for January 2024?
All employees who worked 1300 hours in the 2023 calendar year will qualify for full-time status for the 2024 calendar year. Employment status is updated for all employees on an annual basis (so you will have to wait until January 2024 for your Employment status to be updated and to be considered Full Time). For more information, please refer to the Collective Agreement (Article 21 & 23).

If someone wants to leave their job, how many days prior notice should be given to Circle of Care?
The standard amount of time that someone typically gives is 2 weeks prior notice, or 10 business days.

When is the next BLS and CPR Training?
The next CPR Level C training is taking place on Tuesday December 12 at the Lawrence Allan Centre in North York. For information on any upcoming trainings, you can visit

On September 12, I saw a message about the home and auto insurance discount, but I can’t open the website. Can you please give me more information?
The home and auto insurance discount is through Perkopolis, and the company giving the discount is Johnson. Here is the link to the flyer: You can also visit

In case you missed it...

March 3, 2025 in Memos, News

Champions of Care Nomination Period Begins

Our Champions of Care Award nomination period is now open! Nominate a fellow employee for an award.
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February 28, 2025 in Inside the Circle

Inside the Circle – March 4, 2025

Read through our newsletter for PSWs and Homemakers, Inside the Circle.
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February 26, 2025 in Memos, News

Safety Spotlight and Weather Alert: Slips, Trips and Falls Prevention

This is an important memo for any PSWs and Homemakers who have not completed the mandatory training for Slips, Trips and Falls Prevention
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February 21, 2025 in Inside the Circle

Inside the Circle – February 25, 2025

Read through our newsletter for PSWs and Homemakers, Inside the Circle.
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February 14, 2025 in Inside the Circle

Inside the Circle – February 18, 2025

Read through our newsletter for PSWs and Homemakers, Inside the Circle.
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