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A Message from Client Services Regarding Recent Issues with Scheduling

It was recently brought to our attention that some PSWs who were on vacation or a leave of absence for greater than two weeks had their hours with longstanding clients impacted after they came back from their time off. Please be advised that we have identified a glitch in Easy Care’s software that caused this issue. Our IT team is working on resolving the issue within the next two weeks and the Client Services team will be implementing appropriate oversight measures on an ongoing basis.

If your schedule has been impacted as a result of this software issue, please let your Service Coordinator or Supervisor (CSS) know by May 31st. We will work together to answer your inquiries and resolve the issue as quickly as possible. We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience.

I also wanted to take a moment to emphasize the importance of contacting your respective Service Coordinator through calling the office rather than texting. Doing so it will enable us to address your concerns more efficiently and promptly.

As always, thank you for your continued dedication to your clients, your colleagues and to Circle of Care.