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Dayforce Course Notifications 

Dayforce Course Notifications 

 STEP 1: When you are enrolled in a Dayforce eLearning course, you will receive an email from Please be sure to check your spam or junk mail in case it went there instead.

STEP 2: When you open the email, you will see the name of your course and your course date, as well as instructions on where to find your eLearning.

Please click the Play Button or “Launch Course” to open the course in Dayforce.

STEP 3: Next, you’ll be brought to the Dayforce website or the Dayforce Learning App. Here, you can log in with your user name (usually first.last name) and password. Our company ID is “circleofcare” with no spaces and no capital letters.

STEP 4: Once you’re signed in, the website or app will automatically open the course you have been enrolled in. To start the course, click “Start Learning Now”.

You can also read the course description, see the time length of the course, and leave feedback in the comments by scrolling down.

STEP 5: After clicking “Start Learning Now,” your course will open and you can begin!

Dayforce Learning App - Step by Step Guide

Click here!
You can also just check your app for new courses!